New features in Angular 14 and 15

Angular team says they will release new versions once every 6 months. In fact, they work so efficiently that they always finish the tasks ahead of schedule. Ok, let's get straight to the point: Updates and new features in Angular 14 and 15.

prerequisite: Angular 15 is installed. If not, please install it as below and confirm the version. In Powershell command, use npx ng v
npm install -g  @angular/cli
ng v

New Features in Angular 14

  • Standalone components: Without NG Module. Angular 14 introduces an easier way to create reusable components that are built right into the framework.
    • what can be standalone?
      • standalone component
      • standalone directive
      • standalone pipe
    • You can use a standalone component with
      • module-based components
      • other standalone components
      • loading routes
      • lazy loading
    • Create a standalone component
      • ng g p your-pipe --standalone
      • ng g d your-directive --standalone
      • ng g c your-component --standalone
    • Standalone examples
        // pipe
          standalone: true
        // component
          imports: [CommonModules, ReactiveFormsModules],
          template:`<button (click)="onSave()">save</button>`,
        export class YourComponent implements OnInit(...)
        // use case 1: use standalone component in other module, pass it into imports array as below
          declarations: [
          imports: [
        export class AppModule()
        // use case 2: bootstrap the whole application using the standalone component
        // step1: in main.ts, import the standalone component and bootstrapApplication from @angular/platform-browser
        // main.ts
        import { bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser'
        import { YourStandaloneComponent } from '...'
        // step2: in index.html, replace app-root by your standalone component's selector
            <!-- <app-root><app-root>-->
    • convert a module-based component to a standalone one
      • set the standalone property to true
      • remove it from the declaration array of the module which it was a part
      • use imports array to add dependencies
  • Strictly Typed Forms: use FormBuilder to declare a typed form and we get type safety without extra efforts. If declare it as FormGroup then initialize it in ngOnInit, we cannot benefit from it. typed form
  • Angular Cli Auto-Completion...
  • Improved Template Diagnostics template Diagnostics
  • Streamlined Page Title Accessibility
    // app-routing.module.ts example
    const routes: Routes = [
    {path:'login', title:'login', component: LoginComponent}
    // we can define title using a custom function.
  • latest Primitives in the Angular CDK @angular/cdk/listbox

Top updates and new Features in Angular 15

  • Stable image directives.
    img src='' . => img ngSrc=""
  • less boilerplate code
    path: 'lazy',
    loadComponent: () => import('./lazy-file').then(m => m.LazyComponent),
  • Better Experimental ESbuild Support. Angular 15 offers experimental Sass, SVG template, file replacement, and ng build --watch support. You have to update your builders angular.json with esbuild from: "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser" to: "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser-esbuild"
  • directive composition API
  • improved stack tracks for debugging
  • Automatic imports in language service, which brings better authoring experience.