Review of Lifecycle Hooks and Change Detections

constructor (not a lifecycle hook)

  • called before any other lifecycle hook. Use it to inject dependencies.
  • avoid any serious work,e.g. get data from remote server.
  • example 1: constructor(private service UserService)   service is private and cannot be used in template file
  • example 2: constructor(public service UserService) service is public. Its member variables and methods can be used in template
  • example 3:  we can use parameter decorater here.
    constructor( @SkipSelf() @Optional() public service UserService,
    @Self() public productService ProductService,
    @Host() @Optional() themeService ThemeService)
  • etc.

  1. ngOnChanges  
    • onChanges is a lifecycle hook that is called when any data-bound property of a directive changes
    • e.g <child-component [childName]="childName-in-parent-component" >   </child-component >  childName is a @Input(), a data-bound property.
  2. ngOnInit  
    • Called after the constructor, initializing input properties
    • called once, after the first ngOnChanges()
    • when there are no template-bound inputs, ngOnChanges will not be called. But ngOnInit() will still be called.
  3. ngDoCheck  
    • called immediately after ngOnInit() on the first run
    • called immediately after ngOnChanges() on every change detection run
    • Called every time that the input properties of a component or a directive are checked. Use it to extend change detection by performing a custom check.
    • To monitor changes that occur where ngOnChanges() won't catch them, you can implement your own change check, as shown in the DoCheck example.
    • ngDoCheck() {
        if ( !== this.oldHeroName) {
          this.changeDetected = true;
          this.changeLog.push(`DoCheck: Hero name changed to "${}" from "${this.oldHeroName}"`);
          this.oldHeroName =;
  4. ngAfterContentInit  
    • external content in a template
      • HTML between component element tags, e.g. <child-component><span>lorem content</span></child-component>
      • ng-content tags in the component's template, e.g. <child-component><ng-content></ng-content></child-component>
    • Angular calls AfterContentInit() and AfterContentChecked() hooks after Angular projects external content into the component.
    • the external content can be reached using the property decorated with @ContentChild() or @ContentChildren()
  5. ngAfterContentChecked  
    • A lifecycle hook that is called after the default change detector has completed checking all content of a directive.
  6. ngAfterViewInit  
    • unidirectional data flow : A data flow model where the component tree is always checked for changes in one direction (parent to child), which prevents cycles in the change detection graph.
    • we should not try to change parent in child component's afterView hooks
    • Angular calls AfterViewInit() and AfterViewChecked() hooks after it creates a component's child views.
    • A parent component displays its child view within its template, e.g.
      template: `
        <div>child view begins</div>
        <div>child view ends</div>`
    • the child view can be reached using the property decorated with @ViewChild() or @ViewChildren()
  7. ngAfterViewChecked  
    • Respond after Angular checks the component's views and child views, or the view that contains the directive
    • Called after the ngAfterViewInit() and every subsequent ngAfterContentChecked()
  8. ngOnDestroy  
    • Cleanup just before Angular destroys the directive or component.
    • Unsubscribe Observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks
  9. before rendering-- rendering --after rendering
    • update child component's input binding, then call child component's OnInit、DoCheck、OnChanges . If child component's template includes ng-content, call ngAfterContentInit and ngAfterContentChecked。
    • Angular continues to render parent component
    • trigger child component's change detection。
    • trigger child component's AfterViewInit and theAfterViewChecked。
    • angular render hooks Reference:

change detection strategy

Component's data change is generally caused by : DOM event: click、submit、mouse down……
XHR:get data from back-end server
  • by default, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default . For reducing change detection of itself and its children,
        selector: ...,
        template: ...,
        changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
  • Even if ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush is set , in the following cases the component's change detection will be triggered
    • component's @Input() refer to an object. The reference of an object changes, e.g.
      // template file:
      <componentA [address]="user.address"></componentA>
      // .ts file:
      // When the reference of an object changes, change detection is triggered.
      changeReference() {
        this.user = {
          address:"Waterloo University, Canada";
      // object changes, not the reference of an object
      changeReference() {
        this.user.address = "Waterloo University, Canada";
    • component's DOM event or component's children's DOM event,e.g. click、submit、mouse down。
    • subscribe an Observable and use Async pipe。e.g. {{ user$ | async}}
    • call the following methods to trigger change detection:
      1. ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges
      2. ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck()
      3. ApplicationRef.tick()
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