English Writing Tips

  • 30 time related (while, having done sth)  



    while表示一段时间内发生的动作,与主句动作同时发生,相当于during the time when...。由于表示一段时间内的动作,因此后面的谓语动词一般表示持续的状态。比如不能说while students are graduating,因为graduate这个动作是短暂性的,不能持续。如:

    1.1 Many students who plan to stay face months of online study while campuses remain shut.许多打算留下来的学生将面临数月的在线学习,这段时间校园仍然是关闭的。【很多形容词都可以表示延续的状态,比如shut、open、awake、drunk】

    由于while表示持续发生的动作,因此经常是进行时态(be doing),此时当从句主语和所修饰的动作的主语相同时,便可以省略为while doing sth,这是写作中非常常见的一个结构。

    1.2 Being productive while driving could be unnecessary.开车时保持高效率可能不再必要。【be productive和drive的逻辑主语相同,都是宽泛的people】

    1.3 A survey of Italian workers found that 50% reported greater neck pain while working remotely.对于意大利工作者的一项调查发现,50%的受访者称在远程办公时脖子更疼。

    1.4 Workers should remember to switch off while on holiday.员工在度假时应该记得断绝与公司的联系。【while后面省略了they are。be+介词结构与be doing/形容词一样,也可以表示持续的状态】


    while doing sth也可以表示与主句同时发出的动作,而不仅仅是时间。此时主从句的动作依然是相同主语发出的。while后面的动作重要性要略低于主句的动作。while前面可以加逗号,也可不加。

    1.5 Many corporate "sustainability plans" focus on saving energy, cutting waste and streamlining logistics, which reduce operating costs while benefiting the environment.许多企业的“可持续发展计划”侧重于节约能源、减少浪费和简化物流,从而在有利于环境的同时降低运营成本。

    1.6 Green subsidies aim to redress markets' failure to take account of the global costs of climate change while preserving choice for consumers.绿色补贴旨在为消费者保留选择权的同时,纠正市场未能考虑气候变化的全球成本这一问题。

    1.7 The light rail system facilitates travel and reduces road traffic, while encouraging the use of the airport.该轻轨系统在鼓励使用该机场的同时,可以便利出行并降低道路车流量。


    表示“在...之后”,除了用after引导从句,还可以用分词作状语的形式,即having done sth,其中have是完成时的助动词。having done sth的逻辑主语要和主句主语保持一致。


    after表示主句动作紧接从句之后;而having done sth表示主句动作在其之后,但不一定要是紧随其后,重点在于主句动作受从句动作的影响。

    2.1 Having grown up in an era of digitalisation, many youngsters now eschew physical books in favour of electronic ones.由于在电子化时代长大,很多年轻人现在不读纸质书,而是选择阅读电子书。

    grown up in an era of digitalisation这个过去的动作对主句动作eschew physical books in favour of electronic ones存在影响(因果关系),因此使用完成时。

    2.2 Another teacher was off sick, having been struck by a motorbike while walking along the side of the road.另一个老师因病没来上班,因为他/她在路边行走时被一辆摩托车撞倒了。【sick作状语对谓语was off(没来上班)的状态进行补充说明,再比如die young(英年早逝)】

    过去的动作struck by a motorbike对现在存在影响,因此用完成时。

    由于another teacher与中的another与上文构成了逻辑关联,因此最好放在句子前面,而将分词状语置于句尾。

    2.3 Having lived through two economic crises in a decade or so, millennials may want to shake up shareholder capitalism.在经济危机中生活了十年左右,千禧一代人可能想对股东资本主义进行改革。


    1 The light rail system facilitates travel and reduces road traffic, while encouraging the use of the airport.

    2 Having grown up in an era of digitalisation, many youngsters now eschew physical books in favour of electronic ones.

    话题:How has technology changed people's lifestyles?

  • 29 attributive clause (as, then)  





    1.1 As research has shown, there's deep dissatisfaction with energy companies.正如研究所示,人们对于能源企业有严重的不满。【as作从句中shown的宾语】

    →【名词从句】Research has shown that there's deep dissatisfaction with energy companies.

    1.2 As can be seen in the map, GM technology has been enthusiastically embraced in many Asian countries.正如这张图所示,转基因技术在很多亚洲国家已经被热情地接受了。【as作主语】

    →【名词从句】It can be seen in the map that GM technology has been enthusiastically embraced in many Asian countries.

    使用被动as can be seen in the map,而非主动as we can see in the map,可以使文章更加客观。在描述图表时非常实用。

    1.3 As is the case with every news item, there is more than one side to the story.正如每一条新闻一样,故事都不止一面。【as作主语】(be the case with... ...情况如此)

    1.4 As the saying goes in the technology industry, it takes years to create an overnight success.正如科技行业的一句名言所说,需要花上很多年才能实现突然成功。 【as作同位语】【As the saying goes,+句子 用来引用名人名言】

    →【名词从句】The saying goes in the technology industry that it takes years to create an overnight success.

    The saying goes that....常言道...。其中,that引导同位语从句,修饰saying,放在后面是为了避免句子头重脚轻。


    As is generally accepted/believed, ... 正如人们普遍认为的, ...

    As is often pointed out,...正如人们常常指出的, ...



    2.1 All over the developing world, people want more or better education than governments provide.在所有的发展中国家,人们想要比政府提供的更多或更好的教育。【than作从句中的宾语】

    =...than what governments provide.=than the education that governments provide


    All over the developing world, people want the education (that) governments provide.

    2.2 One solution is to store power in such batteries, which promise to gather clean electricity when the wind produces more electricity than is required.一个解决方法就是将电能储存在这类电池中。当风产生的电能多于所需的电能时,这类电池就有希望能收集清洁的电能。【than作主语】

    =...than what is required.=...than the electricity that is required

    2.3 Given their growing importance, the tests have to have better security measures than exist now.由于这些考试的重要性不断增加,这些考试必须有比现在更好的安全措施。【than作主语】

    =...than what exist now.=...than the security measures that exist now.

    2.4 Some children receive less attention from their parents than is needed, prompting them to derive pleasure from surfing the internet.有些孩子没有获得父母足够的关心,因而导致他们通过上网来获取快乐。【than作主语】


    1 As is the case with every news item, there is more than one side to the story.

    2 One solution is to store power in such batteries, which promise to gather clean electricity when the wind produces more electricity than is required.

    话题:What should students do to fare well at school? (学生如何才能在学校成绩优异)


    ①after-school tutoring课外培训


  • 28 Logical Relation between clauses (Comparison and Contrast)  


    一、unlike A, B...

    作介词时,unlike与like刚好相反,like是表示类比,而unlike是表示对比。其中,unlike A是次要信息,作用是突出B的特征。

    1.1 People who suffer mental trauma when young are more likely to experience back pain in middle age. In many cases, the right exercises and the passage of time can ease the pain. And unlike surgery, they cost very little and are unlikely to make things worse.年轻时遭受精神创伤的人在中年时更容易遭受背痛。在许多情况下,正确的锻炼和时间的流逝可以减轻疼痛。而且与手术不同的是,这些自然治疗方法几乎不需要成本,而且不太可能让情况变得更糟。


    Unlike A, which/where..., B...

    1.2 Unlike Netflix, which relies almost entirely on subscription fees, iQiyi has multiple revenue streams.网飞的所有收入几乎都是来源于用户的订阅费。与网飞不同的是,爱奇艺有多种收入渠道。

    1.3 Unlike young workers, who often lack experience, senior ones are generally more adept at handling emergencies.年轻工作者通常缺乏经验,与他们相比,年长的工作者在处理紧急情况时更熟练。




    2.1 Once a popular form of entertainment in arcades, shops and saloons across the United States, coin-operating mechanical games are prized by collectors.作为一种曾经在美国各大流行的娱乐方式,投币机械游戏被收藏家们所看中。【补充说明】


    2.2 Once a world-famous brand that manufactured Japan's first incandescent light bulbs and invented flash-memory data storage, Toshiba is now notorious mostly for scandals.东芝曾经是一个世界知名品牌,制造了日本第一批白炽灯泡,并发明了闪存数据存储,现在却主要因丑闻而臭名昭著。【表对比】

    2.3 Originally an anthropological term, "involution", or " neijuan" in Chinese, refers to the fact that population growth does not result in productivity or improved innovation.“内卷”在中文中最初是一个人类学术语,而现在则表示人口增长不会导致生产力或改进的创新。【表对比】


    2.4 Thanks to the jobs boom, unemployment, once the central issue of political economy, has all but disappeared from the political landscape in many countries.由于就业的繁荣,失业—曾经是政治经济学的核心问题—几乎从许多国家的政治格局中消失。

    这句话中由于主句前已经有了一个状语Thanks to the jobs boom,因此不宜再放其他成分。如果没有Thanks to the jobs boom,则可以写成:

    Once the central issue of political economy, unemployment has all but disappeared from the political landscape in many countries.


    2.5 Once seen as the leanest manufacturer in the business, Chrysler is now derided as bloated.克莱斯勒曾经被视为业内结构最精简的制造商,现在却被嘲笑为臃肿。【分词】

    2.6 Once popular enough to have a Pantone paint colour named after they, today they are declining.这些苹果(they)曾经流行到使一个潘通色以其命名,如今数量却在减少。【形容词】


    1 Unlike young workers, who often lack experience, senior ones are generally more adept at handling emergencies.

    2 Once a world-famous brand that manufactured Japan's first incandescent light bulbs and invented flash-memory data storage, Toshiba is now notorious mostly for scandals.

    话题:College education

  • 27 Logical Relation(Concession)  



    让步状语也可以由介词结构despite/in spite of/for all/notwithstanding引导。这些词后面通常接名词。despite后面还可以接动名词。


    1.1 Despite low unemployment, overall wage growth has not risen much in America.尽管失业率很低,但美国的整体工资增长并没有太大幅度提高。

    =Although unemployment has been low, overall wage growth has not risen much in America.

    1.2 For all the advances in machine learning, machines are still not very good at learning.尽管机器学习取得了种种进步,但机器仍然不擅长学习。

    =Although there have been advances in machine learning/Although advances have been made in machine learning, ...


    1.3 Despite being blessed by abundant sunshine and strong winds, Greece still lags behind in the area of clean energy.尽管有着充足的阳光和强风,希腊在清洁能源方面仍然很落后。【v-ed变动名词要加上being】

    =Although/Though (it is) blessed by abundant sunshine and strong winds, Greece still lags behind in the area of clean energy.【状从省略主语+be】

    1.4 In America, despite making up less than half of the workforce, women accounted for 55% of jobs lost in April.在美国,尽管女性只占劳动力的不到一半,但在4月份失去的工作中,女性占55%。

    =In America, although women make up less than half of the workforce, they accounted for 55% of jobs lost in April.


    whatever/whoever/whenever/wherever/whichever/however...可以在句中作状语,=no matter+5W1H...,表示"无论"。最为常用的是whatever和however,构造与23节的特殊名词从句相同。


    2.1 However cloudy the firm's current prospects(are), and however trivial many of those tweets may be, Twitter is part of a wider communications revolution.无论公司目前的前景多么黯淡,无论很多这些推文可能是多么微不足道,推特都是更广泛的通信革命的一部分。

    2.2 Whatever its origin(is), the disease has spread rapidly and is now believed to be affecting ten Asian countries.无论其来源如何,该疾病已迅速传播,目前据信已影响到10个亚洲国家。


    2.3 Child-development experts agree that almost any family, however imperfect(it is), is better than none at all.儿童发育专家一致认为,几乎任何家庭,无论多么不完美,总比没有好。【主从句主语一致,同时从句包含be动词,可以省略从句主语+be】

    2.4 All children, whatever their background(is), should be steeped in the country's language, culture and values early enough to shape them for life.所有的孩子,无论他们的背景如何,都应该尽早地融入这个国家的语言、文化和价值观,从而塑造他们的一生。【whatever最后是常态be动词时,也可以省略】



    3.1 The arrival of self-driving cars, which Didi has been developing since 2016, may solve this problem one day, though not imminently.自2016年以来,滴滴就一直在开发自动驾驶汽车,这种汽车的出现也许有一天会解决这个问题,尽管并不会那么快就解决。【副词】

    not imminently这个副词状语“修饰”谓语solve this problem one day,同时与其构成一定程度的反差。

    3.2 Connecting brains directly to machines is already happening, albeit in a crude way. 将大脑直接连接到机器上这件事已经在实现中了,尽管方式很粗糙。【介词结构】


    3.3 Air-conditioners do great good, but at a high environmental cost.空调有很大的好处,但是却会对环境造成很大危害。


    1 Despite being blessed by abundant sunshine and strong winds, Greece still lags behind in the area of clean energy.

    2 The arrival of self-driving cars, which Didi has been developing since 2016, may solve this problem one day, though not imminently.

    话题:The importance of vocational education(职业教育)


    ①bridge the gap between education and work

    ②reduce unemployment

  • 26 Logical Relation (Objectives)  


    一、for...to do sth

    to do sth作状语,可表示目的。当不定式中的动作有独立的主语时,则在前面加上for sb/sth,即for sb/sth to do sth。

    1.1 For autonomous cars to recognise road signs and pedestrians, algorithms must be trained by feeding them lots of video showing both.为了让自动驾驶汽车能够识别路标和行人,必须通过给它们提供大量显示路标和行人的视频来训练算法。

    1.2 For individual actions, however small, to be effective, it is essential that they generate momentum.个人行动,无论多么小,要想有效,就必须产生动力。

    1.3 For self-driving cars to become a reality, their software needs to understand busy urban environments.为了让自动驾驶汽车成为现实,其软件需要识别繁忙的城市环境。


    If...is/are to do sth, ...must/need to/should...如果...想...,则必须/需要...。如:

    If self-driving cars are to become a reality, their software needs to understand busy urban environments.

    在For...to do sth这种句型中,动作一般主动语态。因为如果动作是被动的话,就可以直接使用To do sth。如:

    For carbon emissions to be reduced,...(unnatural)

    →To reduce carbon emissions,...(idiomatic)

    单独的to do sth作目的状语时,其逻辑主语最好和主句主语保持一致:

    1.4 To make all this training worthwhile, governments need to reduce the licensing requirements and other barriers.为了使所有这些培训都有价值,政府需要大幅降低执照要求和其他障碍。

    二、so that结构

    so that...引导目的状语从句,位于主句之后,说明主句的动作要达到的目的。由于表示目的,因此从句中经常会加上情态动词,比如may/might、can/could。

    so that前面可加逗号,也可不加。如果so that后的信息非常次要,建议加个逗号。

    2.1 A variety of activities should be organised so that participants can remain active as long as they want.活动形式要多样化,这样一来,参与者想参加多久就参加多久。

    2.2 Another tactic is for managers to signal clearly that ethical issues may arise, so that employees take them into account when making decisions.另一个策略是,管理者要清楚地表明道德问题可能会发生,以便员工在做出决策时考虑到这些问题。

    方式/措施名词+is to do sth so that+句可以用来引出具体的解决措施。

    当从句主语和所修饰的主句的主语相同,或从句的动作主语不重要时,就可以省略为so as to/in order to do的形式:

    2.3 Their purpose is to reward inventors so as to encourage future invention.他们的目的是奖励发明者,以鼓励将来的发明。

    2.4 Workers will take wage cuts if necessary in order to avoid unemployment.如果有必要,员工将会接受降薪,从而避免失业。

    相比于使用to引导目的状语,使用in order to/so as to可以使句子结构和层次更加清晰,尤其是当句中有多个to不定式结构时。


    不定式作状语时,如果要用否定,不能直接写成not to do sth。而是写成in order not to或so as not to。

    2.5 Apple needs 5G chips for its devices so as not to fall behind Samsung, another smartphne-maker.苹果的设备需要5G芯片,从而不会落后于另一家智能手机制造商三星。

    2.6 This year, there will be no reduction in numbers, in order not to jeopardise safety standards.为了不危及安全标准,今年铁轨的数量不会减少。【信息非常次要,前面加上逗号】


    1 For autonomous cars to recognise road signs and pedestrians, algorithms must be trained by feeding them lots of video showing both.

    2 Another tactic is for managers to signal clearly that ethical issues may arise, so that employees take them into account when making decisions.

    话题:How to reduce carbon emissions?


    ①a carbon tax

    ②environmentally-friendly means of transport

  • 25 Logical Relation (Result)  




    1.1 The development of new infrastructure has not kept up, leading to hours­-long traffic jams and thus dirtier air.新基础设施的发展没有跟上,导致了长达数小时的交通堵塞,并因此使空气更加污浊。

    thus表明hours-long traffic jams与dirtier air两个并列名词短语之间的因果关系。

    1.2 The zhongkao controls access to elite schools with the teachers and resources that help students to reach good universities and thus prestigious jobs.中考控制着进入精英学校的途径,这些学校的教师和资源可以帮助学生进入好大学,从而获得好工作。

    1.3 Plants grown in orbit and thereby deprived of the directional pull of Earth's gravity typically struggle to distinguish up from down.在轨道上生长,并因此被剥夺了地球引力的拉力的植物,通常难以区分上下。


    1.4 Traders began to view rising share prices as potentially inflationary and therefore bad for bonds.交易者开始将股价上涨视为可能存在通胀性,因此对债券不利。【view sth as adj认为某事怎样】




    2.1 With fewer people commuting into city centres because of remote work, shops may not return, putting a greater burden on remaining city dwellers.由于远程工作,去市中心的人越来越少,导致商店可能不会再开门,进而给剩余的城市居民带来了更大的负担。

    ≈...shops may not return, which puts a a greater burden on remaining city dwellers.【which指代前面整句话shops may not return】


    2.2 They stay in small hotels in almost deserted villages, prompting hopes that such places can be revived as destinations for "soft" tourism.他们住在几乎空无一人的村庄里的小旅馆里,这促使人们希望这类地方能被恢复成为“软”旅游景点。【hopes that...同位语从句】

    也可以在现在分词前加上thus/thereby,使结果关系更加清晰。如果带有明显的“导致”的意思,如lead to/cause/result in,则一般不加thus/thereby。

    2.3 Hotter, drier conditions harm agricultural yields, thus depriving poor people of the capital they need to move.更热、更干燥的环境会影响农业产量,从而剥夺了穷人们迁移所需的资金。



    3.1 Today, working lives are so fast-changing that simply cramming more schooling in at the start is not enough. People must also be able to acquire new skills throughout their careers.如今,工作生涯变化如此迅速,以至于只在人生初期强加更多教育已经不够。人们还必须能在整个职业生涯中不断学习新技能。

    3.2 The labour market is changing so rapidly that workers have to constantly update their skills so as not to lag behind others.劳动力市场变化如此之快,工作者们必须不断更新自己的技能,以便不落后于其他人。



    3.3 So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.光传播地如此之快,以至于我们无法想象它的速度。


    1 The development of new infrastructure has not kept up, leading to hours­-long traffic jams and thus dirtier air.

    2 With fewer people commuting into city centres because of remote work, shops may not return, putting a greater burden on remaining city dwellers.

    话题:The consequences of high housing prices in big cities.

  • 24 Logical Relation (Cause)  





    2.1 Lacking access to the internet, poor children are very likely to lag behind their peers.由于贫困儿童不能上网,因此他们很可能落后于同龄人。

    =Because poor children lack access to the internet, they are very likely to lag behind their peers.

    2.2 Inspired by his own family of scientists, he switched away from using part-time research assistants to a lab-like team.由于受到他自己家族科学家的启发,他不再使用兼职研究助理,而是转而使用一个类似实验室的团队。


    2.3 Although the population has been shrinking, "a new wind is blowing in the town", says Watanabe Hikobe, its mayor. Over the past decade a small group of young out­ siders has arrived, drawn by visions of a slow, bucolic life.尽管其人口一直在减少,"一股新的风正在镇上盛行",该市市长渡边神户说到。在过去的十年里,一小群年轻的外地人来到这里,他们被一种缓慢的田园生活景象所吸引。

    主句部分a small group of young out­ siders has arrived对上一句进行具体化说明,而分词状语则放在最后,补充非常次要的原因。

    2.4 ①One reason for their return is that provincial China is more inviting. ②Nicer apartment blocks, hotels and shops have sprung up, fuelled by growing disposable incomes. ③Nominal rural wages are rising rapidly, as labour shortages give workers more bargaining power.他们回国的一个原因是中国的农村更具吸引力。在可支配收入不断增长的推动下,公寓楼、酒店和商店如雨后春笋般涌现。农村名义工资正在迅速上涨,因为劳动力短缺使工人有了更大的议价能力。【as引导原因状从,与上句的fuelled by...起到相同的作用】


    二 with复合状语表示原因



    3.1 With fewer people commuting into city centres because of remote work, shops may not return.由于远程工作导致越来越少的人通勤去市中心,商店可以会倒闭。【with+名词+现在分词】

    =Since fewer people are commuting into city centres because of remote work, shops may not return.(使用进行时,强调当前阶段发生的事)

    3.2 With test scores downplayed or removed, admissions counsellors must focus on other aspects of an application.由于考试分数逐渐被低估或去除,招生顾问必须关注入学申请中的其他方面。【with+名词+过去分词】

    =Since test scores are downplayed or removed, admissions counsellors must focus on other aspects of an application.

    3.3 With tourists now afraid to come to Venezuela, the park's indigenous Pemon guides, who once escorted hikers, have little to do but dig.由于游客现在不敢来委内瑞拉,该公园的土著佩蒙向导(曾为徒步旅行者提供护送)现在除了挖掘之外几乎没有什么事可做的。

    =Since tourists are now afraid to come to Venezuela, the park's indigenous Pemon guides, who once escorted hikers, have little to do but dig.


    1 Lacking access to the internet, poor children are very likely to lag behind their peers.

    2 With test scores downplayed or removed, admissions counsellors must focus on other aspects of an application.

    话题:Why do more and more people pursue a higher degree?


    ①the highly competitive job market

    ②the depreciation of a bachelor's degree【depreciation动词形式:depreciate】

  • 23 Special Noun Clauses (what, how)  




    things (that) students do→what students do。what名词从句本质上就是名词+定语从句。


    2.1 Warnings about fat have changed how food companies do business and what people eat.关于脂肪的警示改变了食品公司的经营方式和人们的饮食习惯。

    what people eat=food (that) people eat

    2.2 What makes a good parent is tough to quantify, but evidence suggests that being financially and emotionally stable probably matters more than gender.好父母的标准很难量化,但是证据表明,经济和情绪上的稳定可能比性别更重要。【当what单复数未知时,一般视为单数,后面的谓语要用三单形式】

    what makes a good parent=factors that makes a good parent

    2.3 Parents want to protect their offspring from traffic, crime and other hazards in what they see as a dangerous world.在他们认为的危险的世界里,父母希望保护自己的孩子免受交通、犯罪和其他危害。【see sth as sth】

    what they see as a dangerous world=a world which they consider dangerous



    2.4 Efficiency may be at the heart of all great products, but meeting customer needs is what matters the most.效率也许是所有好产品的核心,但是满足客户需求才是最重要的。

    相比于简单句meeting customer needs matters the most.来说,上面一句都多了一层强调的语气。

    2.5 What is more worrying is the likelihood that the government may discourage the reallocation of workers from dying industries to growing ones.更令人担忧的是,政府可能会阻碍工作者从衰落型行业向发展型行业的分配。


    More worrying is the likelihood that....(=The likelihood....is more worrying.)






    2.1 Warnings about fat have changed how food companies do business, what people eat, and how and how long they live.关于脂肪的警告改变了食品公司的经营方式、人们的饮食习惯以及他们的生活方式和寿命。【=how they live and how long they live】

    long在这里是副词,修饰(they) live

    2.2 It is remarkable how quickly companies have adapted.公司在疫情后适应如此之快,令人惊叹。【=How quickly companies have adapted is remarkable.】


    2.3 Employee engagement, a rough measure of how committed people are to their jobs, is near an all-time high in America.美国的员工敬业度(大致证明人们对其工作的忠实程度)几乎达到了有史以来最高。

    how committed people are to their jobs=the level of commitment to jobs

    2.4 Employers will fund the programme when they see how useful it is.当雇主看到这个项目是多么有用时,就会赞助该项目。

    2.5 New climate-friendly rules will determine how quickly companies decarbonise and how costly it will be for those that fail to do so.新的气候友好规则将决定企业脱碳的速度以及对那些没有这样做的公司来说将有多高的成本。

    It is adj for sb to do sth→How adj it is for sb to do sth


    1 Efficiency may be at the heart of all great products, but meeting customer needs is what matters the most.

    2 New climate-friendly rules will determine how quickly companies decarbonise and how costly it will be for those that fail to do so.

    话题:The difficulties of learning English.


    ①memorize words
    ②understand grammatical structures

  • 24. Gerund Examples 

    Fights with Gisele Bundchen over importance of family lead to him missing training sessions with New England Patriots

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