Deploy Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal and Firebase Functions

( Extract from angular official document ) Angular Universal is a technology that renders Angular applications on the server.Why use server-side rendering?
  • Facilitate web crawler(SEO)
  • Improve performance on mobile and low-powered devices
  • Show the first page quickly

In this blog, i will share my notes about how to prepare an application for server-side rendering and deploy the ssr app to Firebase using Firebase Projects and Functions step by step.

  1. Install package
    $ng add @nguniversal/express-engine
  2. Add information for web crawler in component using Title and Meta
            private route: ActivatedRoute,
            private coursesService: CoursesService,
            private title: Title,
            private meta: Meta) {}
        ngOnInit() {
            this.course =["course"];
            this.meta.updateTag({name: "description", content: this.course.longDescription});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:card', content: 'summary'});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:site', content: '@AngularUniv'});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:title', content: this.course.description});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:description', content: this.course.description});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:text:description', content: this.course.description});
            this.meta.addTag({name: 'twitter:image', content: ''});
            this.dataSource = new MatTableDataSource([]);
                .subscribe(lessons => = lessons);
  3. Add directive to control whether render or not some elements. The follow is extract of code.
    // no render directive
        selector: "[appShellNoRender]"
    export class AppShellNoRenderDirective implements OnInit {
        constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId,
                    private templateRef: TemplateRef<any>,
                    private viewContainer: ViewContainerRef) {
        ngOnInit() {
            if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId)) {
            else {
    // render  directive
     ngOnInit() {
            if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId)) {
            else {
    // directive in template
    <div class="spinner-container" *appShellNoRender>
        <div *ngFor="let item of xx">
          <h1>{{ item }}</h1>
  4. Add resolver to preload data for better user experience. Avoid duplicate fetching data using makeStateKey ,TransferState and PLATFORM_ID
    export class CourseResolver implements Resolve {
            private coursesService: CoursesService,
            private transferState:TransferState,
            @Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId) {
        resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
                state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Course> {
            const courseId = route.params['id'];
            const COURSE_KEY = makeStateKey<Course>("courseKey-" + courseId);
            if (this.transferState.hasKey(COURSE_KEY)) {
                const course = this.transferState.get(COURSE_KEY, null);
                return of(course);
            else {
                return this.coursesService.findCourseById(courseId)
                        tap(course => {
                            if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId)) {
                                this.transferState.set(COURSE_KEY, course);
  5. Modify outputPath in angular.json. My project name: angular-universal-course.
    Firstly, modify outputPath under architect->build, from "outputPath": "dist/angular-universal-course/browser", to "outputPath": "dist/functions/browser", angular.json Secondly, in the same file, modify outputPath under server->options, from "outputPath": "dist/angular-universal-course/server", to "outputPath": "dist/functions/server" angular.json
  6. run the following command and then enter localhost:4200 in the browser address bar to test
    $npm run dev:ssr
  7. If test result is ok, build the application
    $npm run build:ssr
  8. Angular Universal allows you to prerender the pages of your application. Providing additional routes using a file
    $ng run [my-app-name]:prerender --routes-file routes.txt
    prerender command line prerender folder
  9. Modify server.ts under the root folder where tsconfig.json file is located. Change dist/my-app-name/browsertodist/functions/browser and add websiteFileLocation, because in production environment there is highly possibly no "dist/functions/browser" folder. server.ts
  10. Initialize the app for deployment on firebase. Choose ●Functions:Configure and deploy Cloud Functions and ● Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites
    $firebase init
    firebase init firebase init
  11. Copy dependencies in src/package.json to dist/functions/package.json. Under dist/functions folder, run $npm i
  12. Modify index.js under dist/functions. Attention to function name of exports object, we will use the function name in dist/functions/firebase.json firebase exports firebase exports
  13. Modify dist/functions/firebase.json. Change ’destination’: ‘/index.html’to‘function’:’your-function-name-of-exports’ firebase.json 1 firebase.json 2
  14. Delete the extra index.html created by firebase. It is located under dist/functions extra index.html
  15. Run emulator to test. Enter localhost:5000 in browser. If pages can display correctly, we can begin to deploy app in remote server(firebase) firebase.json 2
  16. Deploy the server side render app to firebase
      $firebase deploy --only functions,hosting
    firebase.json 1 firebase.json 1
  17. Source code is hosted on Github server Side render
  18. My deployment is: ssr

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