Deploy A Routed Localized(i18n) Angular to Firebase

For navigation: href ≠ routeLink. Differentiate the two attributes is necessary when we build a SPA(single page application). Href will introduce to reload the whole page and lose all the states of the page, while routeLink will introduce to navigate to other components in the same page.
Internationalization (i18n) is the process of designing and preparing your app to be usable in different locales around the world.  Localization is the process of building versions of your app for different locales, including extracting text for translation into different languages, and formatting data for particular locales.

In this blog, I will introduce how to build and deploy a routed localized angular application to firebase step by step. After deployment, users can choose between French, English and German versions.

  1. Create a project with routing.  ng new ngi18n --routing
    ngi18n is my project name.
  2. Configure app-routing.module.ts as normal.  routing image Configure navigation bar. For navigating between components, configuration like ①. For changing to different locale, e.g. from /en/index.html to /fr/index.html, configure like ②. routing image routing image
  3. Add the localize package. ng add @angular/localize
  4. Mark the static text messages in your component templates for translation using the i18n attribute, e.g. <h1 i18n>Welcome</h1 i18n>
  5. Extract the source language file messages.xls. I changed the source language file location to translate. 
    ng extract-i18n --output-path src/translate
  6. Create a translation file for each language by copy and rename the source file. I created copies for the languages French and German. Translate each translation file. ( I skip the details about translation.) language files
  7. Define locales in the build configuration. Configure angular.json.
    sourceLocale: The locale you use within the app source code (en-US by default). locales: A map of locale identifiers to translation files locale configuration Set "localize" to true will cause an error when using ng serve  if more than one locale is defined. Setting the options to a specific locale, such as "localize": ["fr"].   locale configuration Specify build configuration for each locale.  build configuration Apply specific build options for just one locale.
    ng serve --configuration=fr
    ng build --configuration=production,fr
  8. Pass this configuration to the ng serve or ng build commands. Generate app versions for all locales.
    ng build --prod --localize angular.json
  9. Configure firebase.json. This step needs some trick. We configure hosting -> rewrites -> source and destination for every locale.
    Configure firebase.json correctly is very important!! If skip this step, refresh url will cause a 404 error. For more details, please refer to firebase manuel
    server href firebase json
  10. Deploy multiple locales to firebase server
    npm install -g firebase-tools
    firebase login
    firebase init.  (Please answer "N" to all questions)
    firebase deploy 
Now, we could admire the result with a cup of cofferHere! Deployment is more easy than you think, non? firebase screenshot firebase screenshot firebase screenshot firebase screenshot firebase screenshot

source code hosted on github routed localized angular

Extension:  If the client need to see only the data in preferred language, we can

  1. on client side ( angular app) add an interceptor and in it set request header "accept-language" as current locale
    export class LanguageInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
      currentLocale: string;
      constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) public locale: string) {
        this.currentLocale = this.locale.split('-', 1)[0];
        req: HttpRequest,
        next: HttpHandler
      ): Observable> {
        console.log('locale', this.currentLocale);
        // Clone the request to add the new header
        const clonedRequest = req.clone({
          headers: req.headers.set('accept-language', this.currentLocale),
        // Pass the cloned request instead of the original request to the next handle
        return next.handle(clonedRequest);
  2. on server side (e.g. node.js + express) get the client locale and filter the data by the locale
    const express = require("express");
    const router = express.Router();
    router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
      clientLanguage =  req.headers["accept-language"];
      data.filter(item => item.language === clientLanguage);
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