PWA( Progressive Web App) in Angular

Running an angular web app as a native app in mobile phone is cool! In this blog, I will introduce how to achieve this step by step.

  • Create an angular project using angular-cli
  • Add a service work to this project
    ng add @angular/pwa --project *project-name*
  • Install http-server package globally for testing the PWA app in local computer
    npm i -g http-serve
  • Build PWA app
    ng build --prod
  • Test PWA app
    http-server -p 8080 -c-1 dist/<project-name>
  • Add Add to Home Screen button in template file.
    // app.component.html
    <button *ngIf="showButton" (click)="addToHomeScreen()">
        add to home screen
    Add listener window:beforeinstallprompt in component.ts
    // app.component.ts
    import { Component, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-root',
      templateUrl: './app.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
    export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      title = 'ng-pwa';
      deferredPrompt: any;
      showButton = false;
      constructor(private swUpdate: SwUpdate) {}
      ngOnInit() {
        // notify user if there is a newer version in server
        if (this.swUpdate.isEnabled) {
          this.swUpdate.available.subscribe(() => {
            if (confirm('New version available. Load New Version?')) {
      @HostListener('window:beforeinstallprompt', ['$event'])
      onbeforeinstallprompt(e: any) {
        // Prevent Chrome 67 and earlier from automatically showing the prompt
        // Stash the event so it can be triggered later.
        this.deferredPrompt = e;
        this.showButton = true;
      addToHomeScreen() {
        // hide our user interface that shows our A2HS button
        this.showButton = false;
        // show the prompt
        // Wait for the user to respond to the prompt
        this.deferredPrompt.userChoice.then((choiceResult: any) => {
          if (choiceResult.outcome === 'accepted') {
            console.log('User accepted the A2H2 prompt');
          } else {
            console.log('User dismissed the A2H2  prompt');
          this.deferredPrompt = null;

    Notify user if there is a newer version in server

    pwa version change alert
  • Deploy this angular app on a cloud platform. I deployed my first PWA app on github.
  • Visit the PWA website through the browser in the mobile phone. Add the app to the mobile screen. Attention: Not all mobiles support PWA. If your PWA app icon does not show on the mobile screen, you should try to install it on another mobile. deploy pwa add pwa to mobile screen
  • Source code is hosted on github ng-pwa
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